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Dice Slabs

If you take the other players Dice you can roll the Dice and take the dice. When you win a Dice you can put the dice on your Dice. You must chose a colour and play the game to take the opponents Dice to change your to the other coloured Dice.

Two Dice are placed on top of each other and to win the game you must win the other players Dice and exchange Dice. The game to played with vertical horizontal and vertical angles.

If a Dice has a number or numbers that are the same you can roll the same dice again to try and take the second Dice with the same number.

The game continues until the Dice are exchanged. There isn't a runner up the winner wins outright.

Dice Draft

This is the same game of Drafters yet the rolled Dice are rolled and the number of the dice can take the other players Dice.

If five is rolled the Dice of number five can be taken according to the number with the correct roll count. You can jump the Dice to take the opponents Dice according count.

The rule is to take the Dice with the same number only if the Dice is counted and is the exact place take and count. You can only play the Dice with Hexagonal moves. The Dice can bounce off the walls of the board.

A player can roll play the dice a second time. A player can take his Dice from a position to roll and return the Dice to his side.

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Single Towers

Build your tower in the middle of the board. Roll six for a first play. Roll a white Dice and take the Dice from the centre tower. Then place the single dice on top of each other to create a single tower.

All players roll the white Dice to take Dice from the centre tower. Then the black dice to put back the Dice on the centre tower. Players continue to play. After two rolls the game can be played with the choice of black or white Dice to take and return Dice.

The single tower will get taller and taller. To win the game you have to have the tallest tower at the end of game. If a single tower falls over it is the end of the players Game. Scoring is simply One point for a winner

Dice Drafters

The games consists of Drafters Dice one on top of other. The players role six to begin the first game. The Dice can be moved as in Drafts with a side angle.

The number applies when the Dice is moved. The Dice can bounce off the side to be placed where the other Dice is taken.

The top Dice are started in play the roles of dice take the opponents piece and one player is black the other is white. The Dice can be mixed according to the winners rules.

The dice can be moved horizontally diagonally or vertical according to the numbers you cannot move further than your rolled number the cube must count exactly the number you count to take the opponents cube.

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Tower Dice

Roll the dice fairly for six then begin the game to build a small tower in front of all players. One white dice to be taken Dice and one black Dice each to return the dice to the centre tower.

Play the game until the centre Tower has been taken. Then the game finishes. The other players can continue until the game can't be played.

Returning the Dice to centre until the player has a runner-up score. If you play in two the player on the right or left must be decided at the beginning of one game the winner of one plays the rules.

The players can chose one colour if they want and change when the games are won. The last Dice returned to the centre wins one point.

Dice Drafter

This is the same game of Drafters yet the rolled Dice are rolled and the number of the dice can take the other players Dice. If five is rolled the Dice of number five can be taken according to the number. The rule is to take the Dice with the number only if the Dice is counted and is the exact place take and count.

A player can roll play the dice a second time. Once you have won one dice of the other player you can roll dice back to your own place at any time. A player can take his Dice from a position to roll and return the Dice to his side.

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Dice Chesser

To win first play you must roll six. The Cubes must be placed on top of each other. Just the same as the game of chess. In two rows with the same colour as White on top of White and Black on Black.

And must be assembled in order just as chess is on the board. You can mix your colours if you decide to when you chose the rules.

Then the player must roll to move the cube to the opponents position taking the cube. You must take from the top first then underneath.

The dice can be placed in any order but you must have the correct number of dice. The dice are rolled and can be played Horizontal Vertical or Diagonally. Jumping over your dice is permitted to take dice from your opponent

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Dice Chess

The game is played with two players on a chess board. The pieces are black and white dice One colour of each. The first player rolls his dice in his hand with a fair shake. To win first play you must roll six.

Then the player must roll again to move the cube to the opponents position taking the opponents cube. According the Dice number. The players have two rolls of Dice and must move the front first with rolls.

The game is continues to eliminate the opponents cubes. You can only take the cubes that are in front and available to take. In play if you can't move a Dice you miss a roll. The moves and Vertical and must be played according.

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Cube Rules

The object of the game is build a small dice in front of themselves. If you roll the number three “Black” dice you take three dice from the middle dice and place them on your small dice. If you roll the number four “White” dice you return the dice to the middle dice.

The colours of the dice are Black and White the rules apply when the winner of first roll gives the rule. All Black dice can be taken or All White.

To finish the game's you return the dice to the centre dice. Then all the players continue to return the dice and take dice with games continuing until one player wins more points.

One point If the players return a complete cube to the centre the player wins a point and rule of game for himself and other players. The last Dice returned at the end of the games win a point.

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